Monday, July 10, 2006
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Sample code - Link to page in PDF doc, Text Messaging – send as plain text from Visualfiles
Link to page in PDF doc
Text Messaging – send as plain text from Visualfiles
Link to page in PDF doc
Text Messaging – send as plain text from Visualfiles
DESCRIPTION: Send text message to mobile
TEMPLATE: System Script
DEVELOPER: Michael McGuire 11-Jan-2006
[&Assign TF11=" "]
[&Assign TF11=MT05]
[&If TF11=" "]
[&Assign TF11='Case not found - Enter file code'(text)]
[&Select MT,code=TF11]
[&If Status(Select)<>""]
[&message "Case Not found - " +MT05]
[&Message "This will send an SMS text message on file "+MT05+". "+"
[&Assign TF04=" "]
[&Assign TF05=" "] *** oscommand text
[&Assign TF08=" "]
[&Grid action="delete"]
[&Grid action="create"]
[&Grid action="create"]
[&Grid action="create-col",name="Name",format="X(30)",type="char"]
[&Grid action="create-col",name="Mobile No",format="X(30)",type="char",update,key]
[&Grid action="create-row"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="1",value="Client Mobile"]
[&Grid action="create-row"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="1",value="Client Tel 1"]
[&Grid action="create-row"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="1",value="Client Tel 2"]
[&Grid action="create-row"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="1",value="Other - please enter"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="2",value=" ",update]
[&Grid action="display",title="Select Mobile to text",button1="Cancel",button2="OK",result=TF03,rows=3]
[&DoWhile TF03=""]
[&Grid action="display",title="Select Mobile to text",button1="Cancel",button2="OK",result=TF03,rows=3]
[&Assign TF08=TF03:Char(first=1,number=2)]
[&IF TF08<>"07"]
[&message "The selected number does not appear to be a mobile number. Please re-select"]
[&Grid action="display",title="Select Mobile to text",button1="OK",button2="Cancel",result=TF03,rows=3]
[&Assign TF03=TF03:REPLACE(" ","")]
[&Assign TF03=TF03+""]
*** ___________________________format message
[&Assign TF01=" "]
[&Grid action="create"]
[&Grid action="create-col",name="Click below and type message",format="X(100)",type="char",key,update]
[&Grid action="create-row"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="1",update]
[&Grid action="create-row"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="1",value=" "]
[&Grid action="create-row"]
[&Grid action="assign",column="1",value="Click OK when finished, do NOT press return"]
[&Grid action="display",title="Text Message",button1="Cancel",button2="OK",result=TF01,rows=3]
*** ______________________________________________________send to mobile
[&Assign TF21=""]
[&Assign TF02="From "+US12+"-"+TF01]
[&Assign TF05="S:\sendsms.bat " +quote+TF03+quote+" "+quote+TF02+quote+" "+quote+US12+quote]
[&oscommand TF05]
&oscommand TF05,interactive]
[&Out "S:\Departments\reports\client_sms.txt":date+","+time+","+MT05+","+CLI16+","+TF03+","+US02+","+TF02,append]
* &Out "S:\Departments\reports\client_sms.txt":date+","+time+","+MT05+","+CLI16+","+TF03+","+US02+","+TF02+","+"command="+TF05,append]
[&Assign TF022="Contact Client- "+TF02]
[&History TF022,activity="11",units=1,noconfirm]
[&Grid action="delete"]
*** _________________________________________________________________________***
*&Message "This will send an SMS text message on file "+MT05+". This should only be used to send to a Client's mobile number."+"
*** &Assign TF991='Continue ' (Choose "No":"Yes")]
*** &If TF991="No"] &QUIT] &endif]
*** &Assign TF991='Continue ' (Choose "No":"Yes")]
*** &If TF991="No"] &QUIT] &endif]
* &message TF02]
* &Mail to=TF03, subject="Betesh Fox contact.", message=TF02]
* &Mail to=TF03,bcc = TF21,subject="Betesh Fox contact."+MT05, message=TF02]
&Assign TF01='Type message'(Notes)]
&Assign TF011=TF01(Notes)]
&Assign TF02=TF01:Char(first=121,number=10)]
&If TF02<>""] *** message>120 chars
&Message "You have exceeded 120 Characters, please amend your message."]
&Assign TF01=TF01:Char(first=1,number=120)]
&Assign TF01=" "]
&Grid action="create"]
&Grid action="create-col",name="Confirm Message",format="X(120)",type="char",key,update]
&Grid action="create-row"]
&Grid action="assign",column="2",value=" ",update]
&Grid action="display",title="Message",button1="Cancel",button2="OK",result=TF01,rows=3]
&message TF01]
&Mail to=TF03, subject="Betesh Fox contact.", message=TF02]
&Mail to=TF21, subject="Betesh Fox contact.Sent", message=TF02+"-"+TF03]
&Assign TF05="C:\sendsms.bat " +quote+TF03+" "+quote+TF02+quote+" "+quote+US12+quote]
&oscommand TF05,interactive]
*** sendsms.bat
DESCRIPTION: Sendmail text message to mobile
TEMPLATE: Batch file
DEVELOPER: Michael McGuire 7-Feb-2006
@echo off
SET SENDMAIL=sndmail.exe -b mess.txt -f %~3 -X
SET MAILUSER=-u betesh\stephen.marsh -p tax.man9
SET SUBJECT=Betesh Fox contact
cd /d S:
echo Send SMS text message...
echo %~2 >>mess.txt
%sendmail% -s "%SUBJECT%" -r %~1
::echo error %errorlevel%
%sendmail% -s "%SUBJECT% -message sent" -r
%sendmail% -s "%SUBJECT% -message sent" -r %~3